Thursday, November 1, 2012

Starting Over..AGAIN

I want to make an excuse for giving up...but honestly I just gave up on myself.  I felt like I couldn't do it and I still am unsure while writing this.  I'm thinking about how I will probably fail tomorrow.  I won't track myself and I will go back into my same old bad habits.  I see my sister everyday, struggling with her diabetes, shouldn't that be enough to get me off my butt and in gear and make this change.  I was so dedicated before, what happened?  I know I need the Lord for this, I cannot do this without him.  I need to expect more of myself.  I told my husband that I was afraid I would fall back into old habits when I started college and I was right.  Although I am not sure that is the only culprit, I'm sure it was part of the stress that caused me to give up.  On a daily basis, I am overwhelmed with my three children.  I find myself very stressed when they are not listening and are fighting and bickering and when that stress comes knocking at the door I eat and at the end of some really bad days I REALLY eat.  This is the in the world do I cope with the stress of being a mother, wife and student without food.  I don't know how.  I have ALWAYS turned to food to get through bad times, its just how I cope.   I guess that explains why I am 240 lbs or so right now (I will weight in tomorrow morning to see for sure.)  I'm just down right disgusted with myself right now.  I say I am going to change as of now, but the hard part starts when I wake up tomorrow...will I make the changes I need to.  Will I sustain the promise I am making to myself?  I need this so bad.  I just pray for the motivation to start this, to stick with it and to make it work!   I was supposed to go back to the doctor last month, but honestly I was so embarrassed that I had not lost much weight in 6 months I didn't want to go in.  I probably lost maybe 15-20 lbs, but I feel like that wasn't enough to make any difference.