Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 20: Can't wait for my WW week to start over

^^ (put together my own set of favorite inspirational
 saying/pictures to put on my desktop background on my computer)

Okay so I have to first admit that this week was BAD,  I had a good many set backs and a few cheats towards the end of the week that I didn't even log since I didn't have enough weekly points, which was my fault.  I gave in to temptation and ate the things I shouldn't have.  I guess next week is about making better choices.  I still haven't gotten back into exercising because I still have a horrid cough that will not leave for anything.  It's to the point that I want to call the Dr. back and see what he thinks I should do at this point because I feel like I can't give this weight loss my all because of this stupid cough. I guess Monday I will call the Dr and talk to him about what I should do and if I should come back to see him because I just cannot take this anymore.  Even though it's been a rough week,  I would like to thank God for still keeping me on this journey and me not giving up completely.  Now I have to say I'm not giving it my all, but I'm still in the game.  Also I would like to pray for strength and willpower for this week.  I am glad that tomorrow is like another fresh start and I pray that I can get myself back into exercising, because I know my body needs to be moving more. 

I have so many things on my mind right now... I am starting college in 3 weeks and I am nervous to be going back into this.  I want to do this but yet again I have this voice in the back of my head telling me I can't do it, that I won't be good enough in anything I do...that I don't have enough self discipline  to do the things I want to do, to accomplish the goals I have set for myself.  Why can't I be one of those positive, always thinking on the bright side kinda people?  I judge myself for all my mistakes and all the times I've given in and did what I wanted rather than what I needed to do and honestly think it will always be like that.  I have to admit that weight loss is a journey and it isn't to be taken lightly because it takes much more than just eating right, it's's wanting to's not listening to that voice in the back of your head that says your going to fail...What would you attempt if you could not fail??  Seriously would you go to college and get your dream job?  Would you finally get that weight off?  Well I'm going to try and believe that I cannot fail and just keep at this and try harder this week.  I once again pray for strength for this week and that the lord keeps that negative voice at bay. 

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